How Arrogance Leads to Foolishness

Unveiling the Shocking Link Between Arrogance and Diminished Intelligence — Don’t Fall into the Trap!

3 min readJul 28, 2023

Firstly, let’s understand the meanings of being clever and smart. Cleverness is the ability to absorb, process, and apply information effectively. On the other hand, being smart means having the ability to collect information logically and through the senses and apply it effectively. However, both cleverness and smartness can be opposed to foolishness.

Foolishness itself has several classifications, depending on how it stands in opposition to being clever or smart. Firstly, foolishness level one is the inability to know certain information. For example, when someone does not know that sheep eat grass, then they can be considered foolish in that regard. Foolishness level two is when someone knows certain information but cannot process it into a solution. For instance, someone knows that goats are hungry and need grass, but they cannot find a solution to feed the goat.

Foolishness level three is when someone knows certain information and can process it, but they connect the information in a wrong or illogical way. For example, someone knows that only one percent of people control 90% of global wealth and knows that Freemasons exist in the world, but they incorrectly link the two by concluding that the global elite is Freemasons.

Lastly, there is foolishness level four, where someone knows certain information, can process it correctly, but does not apply it in action. For instance, someone knows that littering harms the environment and will cause disasters, but they still litter anyway.

Moreover, foolishness can be divided into two types based on its nature. Permanent foolishness occurs due to mental disorders or brain conditions that do not develop properly. Meanwhile, temporary foolishness happens to people who occasionally fail to interpret something correctly.

The main source of foolishness is not in reasoning but comes from the heart. Many of us often say to stop using the brain constantly, not always relying on reasoning, and instead use the heart. However, the heart has a peer called emotions. When the heart wants to do something, like eating, the brain tries to find a way to fulfill that desire. But when emotions interfere, the heart’s intention can be intervened and taken over by carnal desires.

Arrogance is the main factor that can destroy a person’s intelligence. When someone is arrogant, they feel superior to others and refuse to learn from those they consider “foolish.” Their narrow-mindedness and refusal to accept different perspectives hinder them from gaining knowledge and awareness.

Arrogance also prevents someone from introspecting and always blaming others for their mistakes or failures. Arrogant individuals tend to believe that they cannot be wrong and do not need to learn from anyone else.

Arrogance has often run rampant in Indonesia, where many people believe that their own views or opinions are correct and consider those with different views as foolish or wrong.

Therefore, the tips to overcome foolishness and become more intelligent are to reduce or eliminate arrogance. Acknowledge that as humans, we can make mistakes and experience failures. Do not be ashamed to learn from others, even those considered “foolish,” as everyone has different experiences and knowledge.

Also, avoid blaming others for failures or problems. Engage in honest introspection and strive to improve from past mistakes.

Remember, arrogance is the path to stupidity. So, let’s overcome foolishness and become more intelligent by nurturing our hearts and reducing arrogance within ourselves.

